Royal Baths + Ty Segall USA tour, August 2010

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Royal Baths, Somewhere USA 2010

Ty Segall, Somewhere USA 2010

The calm cool melancholy of a balanced output, emotions in flux, highs and lows,
like shivering in Barton springs, and shivering in the police station.

Dreamweaver infectious phlegm of life times three, four, blood and bug bites
and rashes and bruised egos, swollen minds.

El Paso, TX

Shoeless Ty in New Orleans

Chicago, IL

Dice game, Atlanta - the stakes were up.

Sunrise to sunset, driving all night, no sleep, not in New York, not anywhere

Merch manifestation in Cleveland, OH

High, Chicago


Roasting in the metal death trap bathed in fox's blood, spanning West to East
and all the shit-heaps in between

Canada, the most free I've ever felt. Marijuana like opium. "Entertaining tween trash."

$200 per month warehouse.

Alternate reality?

Let me ask you one question: is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness-
Do you think that it could?


Ty's mom

Eden voodoo




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